lab5-2 Wireshark_ICMP
Lab5-2 ICMP
1 Introduction
2 Steps
Step 1: ICMP and Ping
让我们从捕获Ping程序生成的数据包开始。首先使用Wireshark开始抓包(使用icmp过滤器),然后在命令行中输入”ping -n 10”,待ping程序运行结束后停止抓包。
1. What is the IP address of your host? What is the IP address of the destination host?
2. Why is it that an ICMP packet does not have source and destination port numbers?
3. Examine one of the ping request packets sent by your host. What are the ICMP type and code numbers? What other fields does this ICMP packet have? How many bytes are the checksum, sequence number and identifier fields?
4. Examine the corresponding ping reply packet. What are the ICMP type and code numbers? What other fields does this ICMP packet have? How many bytes are the checksum, sequence number and identifier fields?
Step 2: ICMP and Traceroute
5. What is the IP address of your host? What is the IP address of the target destination host?
6. If ICMP sent UDP packets instead (as in Unix/Linux), would the IP protocol number still be 01 for the probe packets? If not, what would it be?
这里没有抓取到UDP包,查阅资料得知此时数据包的IP协议号不是 01,是17。
7. Examine the ICMP echo packet in your screenshot. Is this different from the ICMP ping query packets in the first half of this lab? If yes, how so?
8. Examine the ICMP error packet in your screenshot. It has more fields than the ICMP echo packet. What is included in those fields?
9. Examine the last three ICMP packets received by the source host. How are these packets different from the ICMP error packets? Why are they different?
10. Within the tracert measurements, is there a link whose delay is significantly longer than others? Refer to the screenshot in Figure 4, is there a link whose delay is significantly longer than others? On the basis of the router names, can you guess the location of the two routers on the end of this link?
使用IP 地址查询查询该IP可以发现其所在地理位置为英国。一直到第19个请求,IP所在的地理位置都为英国。